7 Natural ways to prevent mould in the bathroom

7 ways to prevent mold in the bathroom

Cleaning up around the home often involves near toxic chemicals that are not only harmful to your family and pets, but also very expensive. Throw mould into the mix and you will likely struggle even more to find a non-chemical based cleaner. Fortunately you don’t have to, however. Here are 7 “natural” ways you can prevent bathroom mould before it becomes a greater issue in your home.

1. Consider investing in a dehumidifier

Mould only grows in moist or damp climates—like the bathroom. If you eliminate or reduce the amount of moisture in the air you’ll stand a better chance of fighting off mould.

2. Use vinegar to create a hostile environment for mould

Since vinegar is a natural anti-microbial ingredient, it can prevent mould build before it even begins. Simply spray white vinegar anywhere you clean in your bathroom to create a hostile surface where mould doesn’t want to grow.

3. Fix any plumbing problems around the bathroom

Leaky taps can quickly lead to mould problems. Do your best to have them fixed before they cause mould build-up.

4. Consider using semi-gloss paint

Semi-gloss is specifically designed to repel stains and mould growth. By using it in your bathrooms you stand a better chance of preventing spores from growing on your walls and prevent bathroom mould than if you were to choose a matte paint.

5. Wash your shower curtain regularly

Shower curtains attract mould like no one’s business. If you have a fabric curtain, simply throw it in the washer once every few weeks to eliminate mould growth. Plastic liners should be soaked with vinegar for the best results.

6. Use tea tree oil!

Use tea tree oil to kill and prevent mould spores in your bathroom. Put a few drops in a spray bottle and use it in your tub/shower once every few weeks. Add water to tone down the scent.

7. Prevent mould with Grapefruit Seed Extract

Add about 20 drops of grapefruit seed extract to a bottle of water and go to town. There is no scent with grapefruit extract, which makes it better than tea tree oil for people sensitive to the scent.

There you have it – 7 simple and natural ways to prevent bathroom mould.

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